El mundo de la música despide a Aretha Franklin

Aretha Franklin waves after her performance at the International Jazz Day Concer
Actualizado: jueves, 16 agosto 2018 18:31


Nada más conocerse el fallecimiento de Aretha Franklin, el mundo de la música ha acudido a las redes sociales para despedir a la gran diva del soul con mensajes de agradecimiento por su legado y reconocimiento de su inmenso talento.

Aretha Fraklin ha fallecido este jueves a los 76 años de edad, después de varios días recibiendo cuidados paliativos en su casa de Detroit rodeada por familiares y amigos, a causa del cáncer de páncreas contra el que luchaba desde hace años.

Se mantenía en la privacidad del hogar desde entonces, dejando para la posteridad un legado inmortal repleto de clásicos del soul en particular -con especial poderío en la segunda mitad de los sesenta- y de la cultura popular del siglo XX en general.

Recopilamos las reacciones a su muerte:

The 3 seconds it takes for #ArethaFranklin to oooooze out the words “Sittin around..” is as pure & creative & as honest as any singer I’ve ever seen when a performance goes beyond mere entertainment. THIS is what we need to get back to. where raw genius rises above marketing strategy & monetary reach & “likes” (because let’s face it, look at the Billboard singles/Spotify singles/ITunes singles—-could she even find space to develop this talent? Or just give up & get a reality show and pray this works out? Now figure out the legions of talent that we either dismissed or passed on today or even the mesmerizing talent we’ve been shown near this level that can’t even begin to thrive in this environment without some angle) for those not in the know & wanna know, with the exception of her yet to be seen Sidney Pollack documentary Amazing Grace (her best captured 2 hours 1972 in chu’ch, in her zone in south central Los Angeles—-w The Rolling Stones sitting IN THE DECON SECTION)—-this Performance at the #MontreuxJazzFestival in 71 is as good as it gets: as a singer, as a bandleader (midshow she calls an audible and the brass section just gives up playing & accepts they are just happy to have best seats in the house), as a piano player—-so underrated!—and the fact she has her ace band in tow too (#KingCurtis as MD & #BernardPurdie on drizzums)—-this is her most magical effortless skillful scientific talents on display. Long Live #QueenAretha.

Una publicación compartida de Questlove Gomez (@questlove) el