Bahrein.- Aumenta a 58 el número de víctimas por el naufragio del ferry tras el hallazgo de un nuevo cadáver

Actualizado: domingo, 2 abril 2006 20:53

MANAMA, 2 Abr. (EP/AP) -

Las autoridades de Bahrein informaron este domingo de la recuperación del cuerpo sin vida de un hombre de nacionalidad india desaparecido tras el accidente sufrido el pasado viernes por un ferry frente a las costas de Bahrein por causas aún desconocidas. Asimismo, aun continúa la búsqueda de una última desaparecida. En el accidente murieron al menos 22 indios y 15 británicos. El portavoz del Ministerio del Interior, Tariq al Hassan, informó de que el hombre había sido encontrado a 7,5 millas de distancia del lugar en que el barco naufragó. Una persona más, una mujer de nacionalidad filipina, permanece todavía desaparecida, informó Al Hassan a The Associated Press. Asimismo, indicó que unas 130 personas viajaban a bordo del barco cuando tuvo lugar el accidente. De ellos, 71 personas sobrevivieron, 58 murieron y una de ellas continúa desaparecida.

He said 130 people were believed to have been on board the boat when the accident occurred. Of those, 71 survived, 58 died and one was missing.

The number of people officials initially said was on board when the boat capsized changed because several people who had dined on the vessel as it was docked disembarked before it set sail.

Investigators learned of the Phillippine woman's presence on the boat through interviews with survivors, Al-Hassan said.

The Interior Ministry said Saturday the boat's permit was only for use as a floating restaurant, not to go on passenger cruises. Also, the boat's captain, who has been detained for questioning, was not licensed to pilot the craft.

The capsizing struck a heavy blow to the top management of the South Africa-based construction firm Murray & Roberts Group and its partners working on the construction of the WTC _ a nearly completed complex of two 50-story skyscrapers in the shape of sails that are to be the tiny Gulf island nation's tallest buildings.

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